Well, here are a few pictures from Ecuador-there is a construction team here this week working on an addition to one of their churches.

1 construction
2 Antonio - he was one of our drivers when we were there in 2005 - he told me he remembered my mom (imagine that) and said he had a picture of my family at his house - it was so sweet
3 more construction
4 some girls that have attached to me - they talk to me and I have no clue what they are saying - so they just grab my arm and pull me around
5 the church they are adding on to
6 Missionary Cliff McGhee, Me and Alex McGhee
7 this is the only lady that came with the construction team - she is a hoot!
8 there is a great view from the church we were at today, you can't tell real well from this picture, but it was beautiful
9 random cow tied up to a pole


Natalie Blaine said...

Looks like you are having fun. Tell my family hi and that I love them. Have fun and be careful.

Anonymous said...


Looks like you are having a good time. Don't let the cow kick you and don't try to milk her. I love you ! ! ! ! Can't wait to see you and hear about all you are doing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ash: Thanks for the posting of the pics on the blog. Looks like you are having a good time. Tell my "old buddy" Cliff McGhee your Papa said hi (and the rest of the family too!)!! Glad you are there--BUT miss you here!! Luv, Papa

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're posting pics and updates already. You're in Ecuador and Bryan has already had his first day of school. There's some bragging rights for you.
