Saturday at MU this is what we found in the parking lot as we were leaving Hearns Areana to head home....can you believe someone parked their truck with the deer they hunted down that morning in the back of the truck!! We figured they were sitting in another vehicle watching people react as they walked by and noticed it.....dumb rednecks. I bet the great Tucker Hunters would never do anything like this.....would they?


Gary Wilson said...

I may be wrong but I think the Tucker boys would do this if that is what it took to go see their cousin cheer.

Bryan Tucker said...

i would certainly do this...if i actually got something like that...

cheri luttrell said...

Mike would do this if he (1)got a deer, buck or whatever it is you try to kill. And (2)if he had to come to the cheer competition - but of course he would want to if it was his own or his wife's cousin's daughter.